Thought I'd add on more than my lemonade...

On the non or anti-perfectionism side of the realm (which I'm not sure is innate or extreme mis-compensation or maybe it is intrinsic perfectionism vs. extrinsic perfectionism... nothing needs to be "just right" in fact I want exactly what's on the menu, after I've read the whole thing.)

Similar to HK and AEH, my style is such that when I walk into a room, everyone there gets smarter. Also have the training thing, but barring mandatory/dodging lawsuit work training, I've always managed to persuade employers that a fifty dollar book and a day of free time is better than a fifteen hudred dollar course and a week offsite.

Then the other thing is the talent for finding the minimum effort for maximum returns honed to an art in elementary through high school. Mix that in with the self effacing manipulation techniques and a flexibility of thought that is willing to adapt to situations, it is really, really hard to be assertive unless something is extremely important.

What I don't know is how much is inherent to the mind and how much is a product of the mind in a specific environment, which leads to angsty thoughts such as will traits I'd like to pass on to my son (in smaller doses, I'd hope) depend on him having less than stellar school experiences.