Originally Posted by Ellipses
I am an extrovert and desire the company of others. However, I connect with very few people. I get very lonely.

Four years ago, I got into heart failure. This harms intellectual performance. I can tell that I am not up to what I used to be. However, I still have all the signs of being gifted. It is a depressing, complex problem.
It is always a challenge adjusting to changes in one's own cognitive profile. Those who experience traumatic brain injury frequently experience a kind of mourning period, letting go of the person you were accustomed to being, the person you thought you would be in the future, and learning to accept and embrace the equally-precious and valuable person you now are.

I hope you know that your worth is not rooted in your giftedness, as delightful as that aspect of you likely is.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...