Originally Posted by KnittingMama
Overthinking and perfectionism, in many areas of life. This leads to problems in various ways:

-unable to make major house repairs/renovations in a timely fashion, because we consider every possible pro and con. Repeatedly. Also being worried that something won't turn out as well as imagined, so project is never started.

-unable to get rid of stuff because I can think of a dozen different uses for something (or maybe the kids will want to take it apart, or maybe we can use it for parts, or....)

yes yes 100% yes. I didn't realize this was related to my giftedness until this moment. One thing that has worked well for me is FlyLady (it's a sort of organization system for people who tend to be well, disorganized). Letting go of perfectionism is a big part of it.

I do have a real problem in letting objects go- I don't like things to end up in landfills so I am always trying to figure out how to get one more use out of them, or who I could give them to who would be able to use them. Thank goodness for Freecycle and Goodwill etc. In addition, my brother is Buddhist, so he is always reminding me that all things are impermanent, and no matter what I do, they will eventually end up in a landfill, it is not my responsibility to caretake objects forever.

As far as renovation, personal style, etc. sometimes I hate that I am able to see so many possibilities all the time, it can be paralyzing.