Originally Posted by KnittingMama
Overthinking and perfectionism, in many areas of life. This leads to problems in various ways:

-unable to make major house repairs/renovations in a timely fashion, because we consider every possible pro and con. Repeatedly. Also being worried that something won't turn out as well as imagined, so project is never started.

-simple writing tasks, like sending a quick email or post, take forever sometimes because the wording has to be just right.

-unable to get rid of stuff because I can think of a dozen different uses for something (or maybe the kids will want to take it apart, or maybe we can use it for parts, or....)
DH is the king of research... he has to research and research for a long time for so many things. (but we balance out because I tend to immediately execute... I can only wait so long before I have him tell me what he has so far and then just run with it... this even included where to live... if he had his way, we would still be researching different cities, but I really liked the city we ended up moving to 6-7 years ago, and just started the plan to move a few months later, leaving him stunned when it was time to go)

And we will both have moments of agonizing over making sure the emails are just right for whatever we want to say.