DS8 has always wanted new information beyond anything else. At 3 he suddenly became crazed for the tv because it provided new inputs. Once I started going to the library and bringing home 30 picture books a week he calmed down. Since that frustration he has never been excessively demanding of screens. What has been interesting has been watching his preferences - he went through a phase for certain tv shows, cyberchase, word girl, phineas and ferb - then it was iPad apps - now it's wikis - he got started on bathe with phineas and ferb, towards the end, he preferred reading about the episodes rather than watching them! He finished the HP series and is now devouring the wikis. He flat out refuses to do minecraft - everyone's doing it! But for him it's never been the platform, it's about the material. The screen itself does not capture him, it's the material - if that's good he is hooked, regardless of platform.
