My DS7 has been doing rainbow loom tutorials on youtube for the last week in a kind of obsessive way. Actually rainbow loom in general has been kind of an obsession but I let her do it because it is a combination of learning and doing. My DS9 watches way too much useless tv- I want him to watch cosmos but he would rather watch phineas and ferb (but at least they invent things!) and I am trying to get him to do other things by limiting how much screen (tv and computer) that he gets. If he is on the computer he wants to play Minecraft. So I watch Cosmos and make him read a book smile

Anyway, it is an ongoing struggle at my house, just trying to set/keep limits and boundaries. Good advice for me from someone posting on the thread previously about modeling good screen habits. I don't watch much TV but I am a computer addict.... I have explained to my kids that I do a lot of different tasks using the computer- like getting recipes (I don't have cookbooks anymore), answering letters to friends, learning a skill, figuring out how to get a stain out of their clothing, etc. so while it looks like I am staring into a box I am not actually playing a video game I am using the computer for different tasks.