There is really nothing to be offended about. Every parent is entitled to their own opinions on childrearing. Personally, my children has unlimited screen time but the two younger ones are already ten. I find that they are very interested in learning and the internet in particular provides a way for them to teach themselves whatever they wish to learn. These kids also read a lot and don't necessarily choose screen time over books. I also find that it is another way for them to learn to make decisions, including how to allocate their time and schedule in what they need to do (homework, practice, etc.) Having written all that, I just need to add that I did limit screen time at much younger ages (until around age 7 or so) in order to establish the reading habit and encourage development of other skills. I also felt that they did not have the self-discipline or judgment to not over-indulge at younger ages.

Back to your question, the lack of screen time could be a bad thing if it removes an avenue of learning for your child. Screen time is also helpful for strengthening of friendships since that's how my kids communicate with their classmates/friends.