This really depends so much on the child in question that I don't think you can judge what will work for another family.

I know kids who would literally let the screen suck their lives away and others who need to be pried away to work on their social skills (usually teenagers). My daughter is good at self regulating and dealing with some things (Minecraft, Dr. Who), but not others (anything Disney TV -- now forbidden in our house). She's good about being present for her friends, but some of her friends aren't. When she had a backyard "camping" sleepover last summer, she insisted on a no devices rule for her guests and herself. And since I didn't let them in the house except to use the bathroom, there was no TV either.

Before we had our daughter, we decided that we would absolutely not have screen time or use TV as a babysitter (said with all the smug assurance of people who don't have kids yet). After we had her, we found ourselves saying things like "sweetie, wouldn't you like to sit still for a few minutes and watch a show with us... maybe give us all a break?" laugh