Originally Posted by Madoosa
Do I feel there is value in learning the things that have to be learnt? absolutely - I do not personally know of one unschooling family who do not ensure there is writing, reading, maths and other essential life skills within their children's framework. Our day may not have timetable-esque structure, but it does have structure. We do have rules, we do have requirements, we definitely need boundaries. Unschooling does not negate any of that. Not at all. Those, like I said previously are parental choices, not educational ones.

Perhaps that is what I mean really. unschooling tries to say that instead of segregating life from learning, they are one and the same thing - we learn as part of our lives, because that is what learning affects: our everyday lives.
But isn't what you are describing homeschooling? Do I not understand the definition of unschooling? Is there really a neat line demarcating homeschooling from unschooling? And what one person defines as unschooling might be similar to what another calls homeschooling. What works for one child, might not work for another. And a system that works well for 4-6 years olds, might not be the best plan for teenagers.