Thank you, everyone. These are such helpful answers. I was briefly toying with the idea, since ds12 is grade-skipped, using the year after 8th grade as a year to decompress and work on his developing his skills and interests such as coding, working on a novel and digging more into history and chemistry. He hasn't expressed this is what he'd want, though. Part of my desire to offer this comes from the worry that grade-skipped kids are at a disadvantage when it comes to SAT or ACT. Most of it comes from my resentment of the fact that after a ton of busy-work type homework, he's left with virtually no time or energy to pursue his interests other than a tech club after school and a soccer league twice a year.
I do suspect the lack of structure might be trouble for us.

Last edited by KADmom; 05/23/14 12:29 PM.