Originally Posted by AvoCado
Here's an unschooler with a PhD in IT who works at Google: http://www.ivillage.com.au/unschooling-sounds-great-except-one-thing/

That's nice for him. But what about his brother, who still struggles with reading at age 19, and the other sibs who didn't pick it up until they were 11 to 14?

When I learned that children naturally have a love of learning and they want to find out things for themselves I simply allowed for that,” she told 60 Minutes.

Where was that love of learning in adolescents who still couldn't read, or in adults who couldn't write and self-admitted that they didn't learn until forced to? Some schools may be bad, but they aren't THAT bad.

This is what bugs me about movements like this. The parents make an emotional decision with zero real evidence supporting it, and then stick to it in the face of extremely compelling evidence showing that it's not working.

Then, as noted in the first quote above, the success story is highlighted while ignoring the functional illiterate who "works with horses."

Last edited by Val; 05/25/14 06:06 PM.