Originally Posted by AvoCado
Would it be so bad, if she didn't?
Yes and no.

If we don't, there will be negative consequences for her. For example, she is passionately in love with Beast Academy grades 3 and 4, but isn't ready for them because she lacks the basic skills. The sooner I teach her to fly, the sooner she can explore those mountains she's gazing at so longingly. So that's one thing.

Also, I've mentioned before that teaching self-discipline is going to be a tricky job with this child. Ten or fifteen minutes of math a day is an ideal beginner's task for that, opening up opportunities for conversations about noticing progress, about how it feels to choose to sit down and do it early rather than later, etc. For many kids, self-discipline to accomplish what they want in life is a long learning process, not something they can be dropped in the deep end of.

But then, also, no. If circumstances prevented us from schooling this summer, I would just thank my lucky stars that she is alive and healthy. So it depends what you mean by "so bad."