You are definitely not alone. Here's my "been there" story. I think it was just before my DS was 3 that I started worrying about things such as future education issues, because he seemed to know the entire kindergarten curriculum (he's now 4.5).

I am sorry you have no support system near you, yet. But I found that a lot of the friends I made in my town (we've been here 5 years), turned out to be GT and with GT kids. (I think you find friends who are like you.) But this board is by far the most helpful in venting all things gifted. Before I found this forum, I felt quite stifled. Even DH didn't quite get that our son was different until after he agreed to have him tested to see if he qualified for early kindergarten. It is sad that your parents seem to have negative attitudes toward giftedness. Perhaps they will change with a bit more education.

I have felt very free to discuss many concerns here that I didn't want to bring up elsewhere because either people wouldn't believe me or they would think I was bragging.

As for activities - I find having a gifted child rather exhausting at times. Especially up to age 3. Your DD sounds similar to how my DS was - long attention span, and yet, if not interested in something, will not give it the time of day. We finally found that computers and legos were lifesavers for getting DS to do something on his own for awhile. (The computer thing came back to bite us, though, because he's a little bit obsessed at the moment.) As you will likely hear from others, just continue following your child's leads as to interests, and expose her to many different types of activities. Most kids love outings to parks and zoos and museums.

The other thing about "regular" toys - maybe the toys you have are too young for her. Try some toys for older kids that you think your DD may be interested in.

I'm rambling now. Welcome to the board. Your daughter sounds delightful.

Last edited by st pauli girl; 07/06/08 12:27 PM. Reason: too much coffee?