Hello everyone. I am new to this forum, but I'm SO glad I have found it. I have been looking for some kind of support and conversation with other parents of gifted children. Here is some quick background on me.

I have two DD's, 2.5 and 8 weeks, and I live in Indiana with my DH. My DH and I suspect my DD2.5 is gifted, but it's been hard to talk about this with friends or family. She learned her letters (upper and lower case), colors, shapes, counting to 20 and letter sounds before 2. In the bathtub, she'd pick up the letter "P" and say, "P," then turn it to make a lower case "d" and "b", naming those letters respectively. She does other things that I feel are unusual for a 2.5yo, but I'll save that for another day. . .

The reason I'm going crazy is because my husband and I have virtually no support system about our concerns about how to handle school, socialization or simple behavior issues with our DD. After doing some research, my DH and I figured out we were both GT, too, but did not get the opportunities or recognition from our parents to fully excel. In fact, when we first mentioned to our parents about our DD's abilities, they said, "Well, I hope she's not so smart that she's weird."

Then there are the behavior issues -- she has the intellect of a 4 or 5yo but the emotional responses of a 2.5yo (I believe they call that asynchronous development). And of course, she's sensitive on top of that.

Has anybody else felt this frustrated or alone when it comes to talking about this to others?

We have a hard time keeping our DD engaged with activities. She has a long attention span when it comes to something she's intent on learning or mastering, but other than that, she hardly plays with regular toys. Is this normal?

Okay, this post is entirely too long and I've rambled in a very unorganized fashion. I promise my future posts will be more direct and succinct -- I just feel so overwhelmed and confused about all of this.
Any comments or suggestions would be great. Even just a "I've been there before!" would help.

Thanks for listening!!!