I always say it in a very friendly off-hand manner, for instance I'll cheerfully say something like "I hope we can get this figured out and I don't have to call and ask the woman with the State again." Or I'll casually mention certain mandates, and how it's a shame that the people with the school don't seem to be aware of them, because at some point someone is going to get fed up enough to sue them, it's just a matter of time. That seems to do the trick nicely. I've never filed an actual complaint but it came close to that when I discovered that DS was not being pulled out for services, I inquired, and was totally ignored. I talked to someone in upper level admin and suddenly the next day everyone was pulling him out. smile But still, no one ever got back to me with an apology or explanation. No one ever apologized or explained anything, which ticked me off more than the fact that he wasn't being pulled out.