Curious when other kids with DCD hit milestones like swimming and riding a bike? DS (turned 7 a couple months ago) can do both yet he struggles with other things that should be pretty basic, like kicking, throwing, catching, hopscotch, etc. Last fall he was tested as part of the IEP eval and his gross motor score was "well below average", I think 2 standard deviations. I didn't even try to teach him to ride a bike because I thought that would be stupid and asking for another skull fracture, but as soon as the snow melted off the sidewalk, he jumped on his bike which I had forgotten I had bought, and took off down the sidewalk like it was nothing. I looked out the window, and there he was flying past the house on his bike 5 minutes after taking it out of the garage. He also does strangely well with swimming and can now do most of the strokes after about 20 lessons. He's not above average with motor skills by any means, but not particularly delayed with some of them, either. I guess I'm just curious what others' experiences are--whether your DC do strangely well at some motor tasks compared to others.

Also, those of you with older kids--have you seen an improvement over time in terms of coordination? Or when adolescence hit? Dh thinks that he probably had/has DCD but he does not seem obviously impaired to me. Same with my brother...he does much better now than he did as a child.