So I came across this article in my random internet searches on therapies for DCD/Dyspraxia (every few weeks or so I sit down and start researching DCD/Dyspraxia just on the off chance that I'll come across some info on some really helpful treatments for it and therapies, etc.) I could really relate to the article and the problems with the schools, a child acting out from so much anxiety b/c of an unaccommodated and misunderstood disability. So I contacted the author to ask him about his experience getting this disorder dx at CHOP (not good btw). He put me in touch with his wife who is a neuroscientist with a degree in psychiatry. She called me and I talked with her about our sons and our struggles for over an hour. As a result of her son, she is doing a study on dyspraxia and trying to bring awareness here to the US. It is well-known in the UK and she has contacts there and is trying to figure out what therapies have been successful there and see about getting them here. My son is going to take part in the study. It is even going to involve looking at brain images with MRIs. I am excited to be involved. We talked about how so often this looks like ADHD when it is really very different and how it often looks like a little like ASD. It was really good to speak to someone in real life from around this area who has a kid so much like mine, how the medical community here constantly wants to just label these children adhd or ASD even though it doesn't really fit and isn't appropriate. And it gave me hope that we get enough of a community together we can get some awareness and some help for this.

Anyway, just thought I'd share...There is hope that eventually our kids will stop being lumped in with adhd and asd inappropriately and be labeled and treated appropriately.

Last edited by Irena; 04/24/14 06:03 PM.