What I mean by proficient is say for example: He can 56-18 veerryy slowly mentally..... if he just did a few mental problems per day, he could do it more quickly and efficiently. But since he can do it, he's done with it. I try to make most things fun, but sometimes it's just quicker and easier if he'd just do it so we can move on to something else.

Also, even though our district uses Everyday Math which is supposed to be big on mental math and alternative strategies, his teacher drilled the standard algorithm. So whereas he used to see 56-18, way back when he was 6, and think 56-10-6-2, he does the standard trading algorithm mentally but he can't hold all the numbers in his head. I was taught the standard algorithms and always thought I was poor at mental math. Since doing Singapore Math and Rightstart, I'm so much better at mental math!

I have a post in my head to write up about Math, PS, HS, pushing, ASing (Afterschooling) but we're off to the lake to throw rocks so I'll try to get it written up tonight.