HS: I don't understand my husband's objections to HS. My issue with it is that Pud would rather just read what he wants to read and do ALEKS on the computer than actually do what I tell him to do. For example, he takes piano lessons. He won't practice, no matter how much we reward, discipline, punish, encourage, motivate. He just decides he IS NOT going to do it. I did join a HS group and they have lots of activities. Pud doesn't know what he wants. No child care set up yet - unless I put him in a daycare, I haven't found an answer to that yet. I'm not sure what's causing our struggles now,...

As an outsider... I think you just spelled out your husband's objections to HS. Just reading about your struggles with Pud and putting myself in your husbands shoes, I'm thinking, "I don't want my wife going through this stress."

As for what the retired Gifted teacher said, well, use your own judgement on that one. We have a friend who just retired a couple years ago from being an elementary school principal. When we talked to him about GS starting to excel in 1st/2nd grades he said, "Let him be a big fish in a small pond". When he saw GS8 reading Jr High novels last fall, he was a bit taken aback. For the record though, acceleration is not a good choice (yet!) for our GS8.