Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by 22B
Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by 22B
Could someone please explain why this video exists?
It is my understanding this video exists because the 1st amendment to the Constitution of the USA protects each individual's right to free speech. (link- http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of_rights_transcript.html) In this video, high school senior Ethan Young is exercising his right to free speech in addressing his local school board. This is a form of educational advocacy. He posted his video to youtube and it has been further distributed by others. (link-

Meanwhile some would limit free speech, citing requisite discussion of faction in Madison's Federalist #10, as described in the following Common Core link - http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RH/11-12)

Hilarious, but you cannot possibly think that answers my question.
That is a fairly comprehensive explanation as to why this video exists. What aspects remain unaddressed? What further explanation do you require? If you could be more specific in your request, that may help in tailoring an answer which may best meet your needs. Or perhaps your question was rhetorical? ...facetious? Might that be why you find the answer provided to be hilarious... possibly you are mocking? Nonetheless, the answer provides a foundational background as to free speech and educational advocacy.

Let me give an analogy. If I saw a video of a student giving an impassioned plea to the school board to not teach evolution because it will turn all the kids into bank robbers and serial killers, then I might ask "why does this video exist?"

I wouldn't be looking for an answer like "because its existence is not precluded by the laws of physics".

Maybe I should ask, in whose agenda is this student a pawn, and why?