Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
I'm more worried about the corporate players that are involved in the implementation phase of things, developing and copyrighting curriculum, testing-testing-testing, etc, with no free market to regulate quality.

Ditto for me.
“Unfortunately, textbook developers have yet to accept that the CCSMS are radically different from their predecessors. Most (and possibly all) are only slightly revising their texts before declaring them aligned with CCSMS.”
“Unfortunately, the system is set up in such a way that the private companies writing textbooks have more incentive to preserve the existing status quo maximizing their market share than to get their math right.”
--Hung-Hsi Wu

My other big concern is how districts implement Common Core; we've already seen some school districts argue that higher standards mean they no longer need to provide gifted programming or allow subject acceleration for gifted students who need it.