Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by deacongirl
I totally agree and find the evidence in favor of acceleration very convincing. I was trying to see it from the OPs point of view. Because she is reluctant to do a single skip I think multiple skips are not on the table...
Agreed! Multiple skips are probably not on the table... at this time.

Or perhaps the OP's reluctance to skip is indicating a correct reading of the child, and multiple skips will never be on the table. To reiterate and agree, I think a valid reason for rejecting a single skip can be that it wouldn't significantly help any problem - especially if it also creates problems of its own. This was a factor for DS: in his strength areas, he was *so* far ahead that one year's skip wasn't even going to scratch the surface, while at the same time, he'd have suffered from age-inappropriate expectations in areas where he was age-typical (chiefly handwriting). If, when he was six, he'd (somehow, with some set of accommodations for those areas) been skipped to a level where he'd have stretched intellectually without needing special treatment, he'd have finished this school by now or be about to this year, and then we'd be totally stuck - none of the senior schools that we're looking at now would in any way be an appropriate environment for DS9, and I don't see that any new possibilities would have opened up.

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