Originally Posted by NikiHarp
Seriously? Could they really be asking them to copy definitions? In his gifted class??

Yes, yes they can! Prior to DD9's being tested, she was evaluated by a gifted teacher for several weeks - not any type of formal evaluation, just how about we see if she looks and acts gifted while working with the gifted teacher type eval. That gifted teacher reported back to the principal that DD (7-8 yrs old at that time)didn't really get excited with what she was having her do and didn't just take off and go on her own, so she didn't think DD was at all gifted based on that. She also mentioned in some report, that we never saw, that there were times DD didn't even want to come work with her when she went to get her out of the classroom. Later when I asked DD about this, she told me she would show up when the class was having a party or watching a movie or doing something fun that she didn't want to miss out on, so she told her she didn't want to go. That part was never mentioned in this phantom report. DD also said the stuff she was having her do was totally boring, so again why would she want to go do more boring stuff.

My DD acted up in class due to boredom, like it sounds like your DS might be doing - can't blame them! DD skips problems, messes up simple assignments, and doesn't go above and beyond on anything unless she really wants to. Annoying repetition is like poison to her and enrichment is just more of the same stuff she already has shown she can do.

Getting our own personal testing done was the best thing we ever did because it helped us truly understand what we are working with. You are lucky you at least have the CogAT, but it sounds like that hasn't really helped any when it comes to the teacher. We went round and round with the teacher and the school counselor. It wasn't until we asked for a meeting with the teacher, counselor, former teacher (that understood our DD), and principal all together that we got anywhere. That may not help your situation, but it may not hurt to try. Our new gifted teacher (the phantom report writer retired) has been helpful in advocating some for us, so you may try to go that route too.

I read something somewhere and made sure to remember so I could use it if needed - These kids are not just gifted during their pull-outs, they are gifted every day and all day long. They need differentiation and accommodations in the regular class just as much as anything else. More often than not, enrichment is not differentiation or acceleration!