It's sad that you are going through this, and it's sadder for your daughter. I can never understand how anyone can be cruel to a child- no matter the reason.

I haven't had negative experiences with friends and family, luckily. Mind you, my friends are wonderful, and my family don't have their own kids and my husband has no family. No opportunity for jealousy. However, I just had to comment that I feel it is so important to show your daughter that being gifted isn't a bad thing! I know it is hard, but you need to be strong and defend her- just like you would for anything else.

These "friends" are just jealous. If they were real friends, or even just nice human beings, they would be happy for your daughter. I would be less open about giftedness with strangers, but I wouldn't go out of my way to hide the fact that your daughter is gifted. To do so will give the impression that it is a shameful thing to be.

There should especially be no shame with your friends, and if they don't like it then they can go away. While I talk openly about my boys to friends, I don't go overboard. The best thing, I have found, is having a friend who also has a gifted child. Just one has been enough for my eldest, but it has also been enough for me to have someone to talk to about...gifted things. Otherwise, just let your daughter hang out with you and your friends that don't have kids.