Originally Posted by squishys
I love that: 'present curriculum'. Exactly.


A curriculum which is increasingly stupid/inane to the point of worthlessness, and which one would (truly) have to be cognitively impaired to not notice was.... um.. "bad." Bad is merely a kind euphemism there, actually.

I've discouraged my own DD from secondary teaching for that reason-- not because she doesn't have a passion for it, because she clearly does, and she's also very clearly got a real gift for it-- but because the lack of autonomy coupled with the apparent stupidity of those making curriculum decisions does nothing but chew up the good ones and spit them out.

On the other hand, I'm not sure that the professoriate is a better choice at this point, either-- because higher ed is being slowly infected by the same "progressive" and "disruptive" agenda, which from what I can tell is often little more than a mask for the underlying agenda of for-profit enterprises interested in maximizing profits from a captive audience of consumers.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.