I think like any other profession - teachers want to be able to call the shots and not be questioned. Doctrs and lawyers want the same. And like teachers often we don't get it. I am lawyer and believe me we have plenty of difficult clients... the most difficult ones are usually the most knowledgeable and honestly they usually get the best result... They go toe to toe with you and are not always right but you learn how to deal with them, often you do better for them because of them and sometimes you even learn from them. The easy clients are the ignorant, compliant ones who don't question you. I am sure its the same with doctors. I don't think we ask too much from schools - I don't think we ask enough. For years they got to do whatever they wanted to children, now they are just pissed that such a situation is becoming increasingly unacceptable.

Having said all that, DS has had more good teachers than bad and some are wonderful. I have no problem with them being paid well if they do a good job. Still, they need to stop bitching that parents make their jobs hard b/c they simply don't just 'put up and shut up.' Go be a dog trainer if that is what you want.