As a parent of a twice exceptional kid, I simply can't just trust the teachers, take their advice and/or just hand my 2E kid over. They almost destroyed my son. In my experience so far, teachers jump to conclusions like ADHD, Autism and/or have decided that just needs some old fashioned discipline and to be shown whose boss. Most have never even heard of dysgraphia but know all about adhd and autism and will immediately lump any "problem" child right into that category. My kid, as many of you know has a genetic disorder which is rather invisible but greatly effects classroom performance and causes anxiety. It's also obvious to all of us on 'DS's side' that he has a learning disability (i.e., obvious to his therapists, his doctors, his parents and grandparents) but the teacher(s) will fight me tooth and nail on that one, too. MANY teachers have written him off as oppositional and more than one had 'diagnosed' him with adhd and autism after he began to act out b/c of teachers who do not understand him at all. Sorry, it may be a completely different experience for teachers and parents with a neurotypical child but I thank God I 'fought' the teachers and did not just take their advice and follow it. Sorry to bash but in my opinion and experience they want things easy - they want the kids to all be the same and they REALLY do not want to deal with an asynchronous kid. So I am a bit tired of their whining. Also in my experience ADULTS AND TEACHERS will lie like crazy to cover their asses ... most kids I know (at least under a certain age) are honest to a fault. When I started researching disability discrimination in schools, I was really horrified at what many children have suffered at the hands of nasty teachers. Sorry, teachers, that you can't just beat and shame children anymore! What a shame for you! And that's how it was done when I went to school - children were hit and constantly shamed for ANY difference or disability and parents just didn't question it at all in fact they backed the teacher up. Nowadays that isn't acceptable and yeah I guess that makes their job a little harder. Oh well.

Last edited by Irena; 06/18/13 03:45 PM.