I agree. The tone is off putting and adversarial from the start.

I understand some of the pain teachers must go through with some parents. But just as there are probably very few really bad teachers, there are probably very few really bad parents (and I mean bad in the way this article defines bad).

DS11 has received 3 bs in his school experience thus far and in the end they averaged out to all As. The first b he received was in third grade. The other two he received in 5th. There was only one I discussed with his teacher and that was because he told me she hadn't gone over the material with the class. And through the parent-grapevine I learned that the dc who normally received As all received Bs or lower that 6wks. So I went in. But I didn't go in accusing the teacher of not teaching the material. And I didn't talk about all the others not doing well. I simply said, "Is my son doing all he can do in your estimation. Because he is capable of understanding any material you teach and this is a red-flag."

The teacher was and is one of the best teachers he's had and was, at least that afternoon, defensive and nearly defeated, and surprised me with her angst.

It's a complex issue. I rarely go in to discuss issues with ds's teachers. But when the situation warrants it, or I want more information, I will do so. It's my obligation to do so.

Last edited by KADmom; 06/18/13 01:50 PM.