Originally Posted by acs
I am so glad that people are feeling empowered to make the best choices for their kids. They are hard decisions with implications for your child, your family, your community and I know they are scary. And I know that the decision to homeschool isn't always the most popular with the judgemental people in our lives. So I am really glad that our little community here is so supportive! Go Us!!!!

Remember, though, I am an "insecure" public schooler. Since we just did a role call vote on who was homeschooling, would it be wrong to ask for the same for those of us who are making public school work?

Ah, acs, that would include me. I feel like I now fall into the category of "insecure" public schooler, though I only feel this insecurity internally; it's just a constant tug I feel on my heart.

After fighting for DD6 to gain entrance to the school's GT program and succeeding, we're going to give it a try. And as I posted on another thread, I've been nominated to be the PTA president at our brand new elementary school that's opening in the fall. My heart is not completely with the public school, but I suppose that if we're going to do it, we're going to be completely in and try to make it the best situation possible. I've met with our new principal several times and I really, really like her. Our meetings have not dealt with DD6 at all, just general school stuff, so we'll see what happens if the time comes to ask for something special.

I am concerned that it's not going to be what DD6 needs or what we'd like for her, but we've decided it's worth a try because she has enjoyed kindergarten. If the feeling in my gut gets any stronger, though, we'll make a change.