Originally Posted by Stinkerbell
Marysthere, I know you posted on my other thread that you DS seemed similar to mine. This something else they have in common! We have our first IEP team meeting Friday, the school Psychologist recommended keyboarding/laptop. I am hoping to get them to provide this accommodation. I see your in Pennsylvania too.

Good luck with that! How old is your DS? We are in PA in Delaware County.

Keyboarding is another fine motor activity and was harder for DS before he got his vision therapy. He's been playing minecraft on the computer which is slowly helping his keyboarding. I am hoping to get him some keyboard lessons or something within the next - I need to find something that will help him become effective at keyboarding while being fun and not too much pressure at the same time. Becasue as sooon as he is good on the keyboard, I know and entire world of opportunity will open up to hm. he already does several games and such on the computer and does extra math programs on the computer so he is quite familiar with computers so that is good.