Val, I don't know, my one kiddo w/ ADD tested with average processing speed, but honestly I don't know that she's really average in processing speed so much as majorly not detail oriented and one who made a ton of mistakes. The two IQ tests I've taken have both placed my processing speed at or above the 99th percentile and she's my equal in speed games like Blink.

Originally Posted by CCN
My son's is "severe" according to the psychologist, and... well, thank God he's smart. That's all I can say.
I've almost felt the opposite at times. My ADD kiddo is smart enough to compensate so well that teachers assume that she's doing just fine and it is hard to know what to do for her when she's performing above grade level across the board. The typical interventions just don't seem appropriate for a kid who isn't behind. It's also hard to get anyone to recognize that there is a problem. She performs more like a very bright - MG kid than a HG one, but many aspects of her ability really are more HG than bright or MG.

FWIW, we've found that our dd has really taken off with a very structured middle school environment that would have driven her sister crazy and in math especially since she's gotten past the basic math facts memorization stuff. She's coasting through Algebra I where I've seen kids who were much more consistent high performers in the early years struggle once they hit about this point where it relies more on conceptual understanding than rote memorization and attention to detail. The attention to detail thing still trips her up in some areas, but it has been a pretty easy year none the less.

That does make me wonder if our two local school districts are mistaken in how they choose kids for math acceleration, which basically entails the higher performers in elementary school and tracking them into subject accelerated classes as they enter middle school or part of the way through elementary. It works fine in late elementary and early middle school, but I've definitely seen some kids who can't keep up with the acceleration once they hit about Algebra I.