She's said before MG not EG runs in her family. I don't think she's trying to make an EG child, she just wants to engage with her child as a home preschooler (it's fun). Maybe I can help with the other part a little bit. How does a preschool teacher teach her class of two and three year olds? She engages them, but doesn't ask any child to answer every question. The questions aren't really quizzing them to find out if they understand, either. You'll know they understand when you catch them independantly using a skill you showed them when they're off doing their own thing. It happens. Kids learn. Really, at first, you're leading/teaching/ showing them that this is what we (people) do- we learn from other people teaching us. (disclaimer- there are many philosophies that say this is incorrect). But early on you really want to lead her not push her. For example, by modeling, by narrating exaggeratedly when you do the skills you want her to learn. If you ask her to do something and she doesn't do it YOU jump in and do all the problems quickly and cheerfully like you don't want her to do it. She'll push you out the way to do it sometimes. The times she doesn't, that's okay. You can do the work in front of her and if she's engaged, interested, if you're interesting, she'll learn what you're trying to teach her and even "do it self", you're way, the way you're trying to teach her more and more often.

Later comes the time for a gentle balanced push, for a period. After several years you will have modled, coaxed, and led her into the learning lifestyle. She will understand that learning is what we do and she'll know how to do it. At that point it will be child paced. The child will do most of the work and they'll get you to do some of it (opposite of above). This is where the balanced push comes in. Sometimes you help and do the work in front of them. Sometimes you tell them they have to do it themselves. (this is second grade level-ish normally). This is where the tantrums come in, but it's a different tantrum, it's groaning, rolling, procrastinating, excusesing.
That's only for parts they get stuck on because they mostly like learning.

To me, the child-led, interest led is when they're tweens.
JMO, I've spent lots of time during my childhood caring for children. That's where I got these opinions from.

Last edited by La Texican; 12/13/12 08:01 AM.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar