Originally Posted by CCN
Originally Posted by islandofapples
Or, are you a fan of leaving preschoolers alone and just letting them figure things out as they go?


A) you won't create a bad experience by being too eager about their advanced abilities,


B) child-led learning happens faster and sticks more than parent-led.

Where does Dora-led (etc.) fit into the picture? Or LeapPad-led... or book-led? There are devices and books that teach her stuff, so I'm not sure it's different than me showing her new things. She seeks out the shows, books, and toys herself and wants to use them / watch them. I'd like to be the one showing her stuff, too. I'm just not sure where the line is- how to keep it all balanced. I don't want to push at all, but I also don't want to let her down and not provide experiences that could help her out in the long run.