Originally Posted by GinaW
[Show her the things that a leap pad and Dora can't- interaction, imaginative play, etc... I agree that playing restaurant or tea party can be just as instructive and perhaps more so than any lesson at this age.

I am actually a fan of Montessori methods- and I do believe that an older child should be taught how to handle materials. But the more important philosophy of Montessori is follow the child. Watch her and interact with her in a way that she's seeking. She can learn letters from a show or a leap pad. But she can not learn to converse from those. If she seems to be begging for a lesson, give her only as much as she's asked for and then see if she's satisfied or if she wants more. If she's throwing a tantrum, she may not feel like you are understanding what she wants.


I would also add one thing - the likelihood that you will mess up your child's education and future school choices by what you teach or how you teach them now, at 2, is extremely slim (maybe non-existent). OTOH, this is the one chance you'll have to enjoy having this particular toddler in your house, to play with this particular human being while they are two, to just have fun with her while is two. I wouldn't obsess over learning - let you child show you what she wants, follow her lead, and most importantly, just have fun! The early years go by very quickly. And EG/PG/HG+ whatever kids... are going to be smart, whether or not their parents give them a leap pad when they are two or obsess over what they are learning.

Best wishes,
