Originally Posted by islandofapples
My 24 month old knows all her letters and letter sounds, loves practicing counting and wants to do learning-type activities, but when I show her how to use materials I get screamed at. If I persist, there is a tantrum. So I don't usually persist. But then again, sometimes she takes the instruction and tries to mimic me. I never know what she's going to do. Her behavior is pretty age appropriate, obviously.

To me the tantrums are a flag that something needs to be changed in the overall situation.

We are not Montessori people, orthodox or otherwise, so I can't speak to the materials. But it sounds to me as though your DD is not ready to learn in a formal situation. Most kids this age learn by playing. Instead of teaching her, maybe you could play with her, pretend things, explore, and so on?

Reading/writing can come up naturally in play, and that's ok. (Making menus while playing restaurant, etc.) But 2 is too young for formal instruction, IMO.
