Originally Posted by DeeDee
To me the tantrums are a flag that something needs to be changed in the overall situation.

We are not Montessori people, orthodox or otherwise, so I can't speak to the materials. But it sounds to me as though your DD is not ready to learn in a formal situation. Most kids this age learn by playing. Instead of teaching her, maybe you could play with her, pretend things, explore, and so on?

Reading/writing can come up naturally in play, and that's ok. (Making menus while playing restaurant, etc.) But 2 is too young for formal instruction, IMO.


I think she's watching too much TV, really... and I'm wondering if we have too *little* structure and rules in the house- maybe if I create some, things will go more smoothly once she's gotten used to the new situation.

Also, the yelling or even tantrums (they are very short) is always about her wanting to accomplish something on her own... she can't do it... I try to help or show her again and then she freaks. That's normal 2 or 3 year old do-it-myself stuff, right?