One more thing. I realized that he has also learned how to be a friend and I think this is so important.

He absolutely did not want to do the arts festival performance. It was put on the schedule months ago and we both told the acting teacher that he only wanted to do the next play and nothing else. But at the last minute (exactly one week before they are supposed to perform) my son was asked if he would do the show because if he didn't one of the girls would not have a dance partner. Learning dance routines quickly is not an easy thing for a kid with motor dyspraxia. Singing while trying to remember the dance routine is even harder. He knew how hard it would be. But they asked him and he had 15 minutes to decide. I told him I was not going to try to influence him in any way, that it was totally up to him. One of his older high school aged friends did ask him to please do it because otherwise there were not going to be enough kids to do a good show. So my son agreed to do it, because his friends asked him to, even though the girl who would be without a dance partner annoys him sometimes.