Originally Posted by st pauli girl
JBDad - you kind of sound like my DH in the GT denial area. He was incredulous when I told him that most kids entering kindergarten do not know how to read at all.


Great post, thanks. Yes, during K-school orientation they said things like "we would like it if children can do 1-to-1 nummber correspondence counting and be able to recognized their letters", I said "ut-oh" to myself. That was the moment that I realized that there was a sizable gap between DS and agemates. DS wasn't a super early reader (although I suspect he was sight reading more than we realized at age 4) but he's just been an amazing sponge, particularly over the last month or so. Very astute with math and just fascinated with patterns and very large numbers. Funny story: during the K pre-screen they asked him to count to 20. So he goes -20, -19, -18, ..., 0, 1, 2, ... 20. Hey! They didn't say start at 1! smile