Just an update - I visited the 2E school in NYC and all I can say is WOW! I mean really, truly WOW!

The fact that these kids are gifted is first and foremost (which I think is the biggest thing missing from our local public that focuses primarily on remediating deficits) and each child's needs are addressed individually. A 2e kid, regardless of what form their E's take, can thrive. Each classroom has a gifted teacher and a spec Ed teacher. Maximum of 10 kids to a classroom (grade 2/3 currently has 5 kids with the 2 teachers!) and all math and reading/writing is done 1:1. This means that each child gets what they need in these areas whether it is enrichment or remediation. Apparently parents have been "ridiculously successful" in getting the tuition fully covered by the Dept of Ed.

Things are currently going well for my DD at her local public but this program really seems like a dream come true . If I had known about it a few months ago I would have moved heaven and earth to make it happen. They say that they expect a child to be with them for 2-3 years and then transition back to a mainstream school setting. They also said they expect "20 more schools just like us" to open in the next 10 years in NYC alone. I think it was started by a 2E parent who saw a need and decided to create a school to fill that void. Maybe as the economy improves more of these types of schools will appear?

The biggest thought that kept running through my head while I was there was that I wouldn't need to advocate anymore - there would be no need for fighting, arguing, cajoling, explaining. They would just *get*what DD needs. She wouldn't have to be bent like a pretzel to fit the existing curriculum the curriculum would be adjusted to fit her needs. There would be a presumption that she can succeed rather than constant efforts to prevent her from failing. They understand the emotional toll being 2E has taken on most of these kids. It was as if everyone who I have gotten to know on this board brought their kids together in one place and did it right.

If you happen to live near a 2E program, public or private, you may want to check it out. You may get some good ideas to take home and try with your school. Or you may just enjoy the feeling of normalcy that comes from being around others with a similar dilemma.