I *think* I have gotten the homework situation addressed. (I asked that all hw go through spec ed teacher to make sure it is properly differentiated and classroom teacher is writing down the assignments for DD.) SW is my contact person and DSS is consultant's. It sometimes takes some (passionate) persuading but I am usually able to get my point across. I have provided SW with a bit of research - just enough that she believes my requests are legitimate. She really seems to want to understand the situation and to make things work for DD. That is a HUGE plus and was the biggest missing piece last year.

It just feels like every time one issue is addressed the next one pops up. I can't help but feeling like I started at zero and my knowledge has far surpassed the professional educators already. Granted I have a personal stake in this - which is much more compelling than the professional stakes that they have. Yet shouldn't they have a better grasp than this by now? The districts with 2E programs had to see this over and over in order to justify building programs. DD can't be the only 2E child in our district - just the one with the most glaring difference between her E's. Oh, and outspoken parents who saw what happened when everything was mishandled at the magnet.

Yes, DeeDee I think it is fair to say that I too have been traumatized to some extent. It was bad enough when she suffered because of ignorance or foolhardy positions by school personnel. The principal's actions earlier this year, though, really rose to a different level. Seeing someone intentionally trying to harm your child is a terrible thing. I fought like a mother tiger and now people see it for what it was. I am forcing my self to be passive now - vigilant but passive nonetheless. With the classroom management situation I told SW that I felt I had explained the problem thoroughly now it is up to them to address it. They will manage her classroom however they choose to manage it and she will react however she reacts. All I can do is stand back and watch the train wreck happen... That led to a discussion of of FAPE, LRE, federal mandates, etc. They now KNOW that I understand DD's rights and their responsibilities. Unfortunately wanting to meet her needs won't automatically translate to being able to do so. That's where my eagerness to find an appropriate alternative comes from.

Maybe just knowing that this incredibly expensive, incredibly inconvenient 2E resource is available will be enough. I will keep trying to locate a reasonable alternative closer to home. Maybe the district seeing the price tag of an OOD placement will make them decide that the little power plays, letter of the law compliance and other gamesmanship is not in their best interest and they will step in to stop it. Or maybe we will just continue down this road that we are on. Who knows...