Originally Posted by Old Dad
Just something to consider though, with so many of the jobs in the highest demand these days being STEM related careers, even if it's difficult for your child, I'd encourage parents to help to find ways to help their child through any math classes. One of the most important things for GT kids to learn is how to work through highly challenging material. They're often used to things being "easy" and it isn't unusual for GT kids to not hit strong challenges until they get to college at which point it's like an axe between the eyes having never had to really WORK at a class before. Consider the high level challenge a blessing for the long haul.

One of my son's cousins recently graduated with an engineering degree and immediately got a high paying job plus a very nice sign on bonus when so many other college graduates can't even find jobs. After hearing this, my son said he is not interested in engineering and would not be motivated by the nice salary. He would rather live on less than have a career that he isn't interested in.

My son is convinced that he will need algebra for just about any degree he would be interested in. Because he was convinced that it was necessary, he was willing to work on algebra during the summer while everyone else was having fun. He knew he needed to make up the time he missed. He had to take a couple of months off from doing any math while getting used to the painful brace he wears from the time he gets up in the morning until the time he goes to bed, even when he has a migraine. His biggest challenges now are working around the pain and getting enough sleep so that he can think. Pain, lack of good quality sleep, inability to get enough exercise while getting required brace time, anxiety, isolation, and different learning style are our challenges and we haven't found anyone that really understands how difficult these challenges are. We will probably have another year of this and I don't know how we made it through last year. It is a challenge for me to fight off the anxiety and depression that sap my energy. It is really hard to see our "high challenge level" as a blessing.