[quote=Old Dad
The biggest problem I’ve seen occur in regards to home schooling is when children do become involved in social activities outside the home they often show a lack of knowledge of social skills, ability to handle social problem scenarios, and knowledge of acceptable social behavior.

I know you were sharing your experiences Old Dad, and I really do appreciate hearing everyone's experience, so please know I'm not trying to argue or counter what you've said. I do agree with you that being sure to provide opportunities for social experiences and learning is an important part of homeschooling. FWIW, my experience has been different. I haven't ever homeschooled myself, but I've had quite a few homeschooled children take part in groups I've led, and my experience has been the opposite - the homeschooled children that I've had have instead often been quite adept at understanding acceptable social behavior and are able to navigate social nuances as well as the other-schooled kids smile

I wonder if sometimes the social challenges people see in some homeschooled kids are simply kids who have social challenges, and would have the same type of challenges in other-school too?

Best wishes,
