Originally Posted by spiritedmama
Second, and this is the one I know I really have an issue with..... Guilt over not homeschooling.... We have new neighbors that have moved in and the mom will be homeschooling. I am feeling so inferior. I know I can't handle doing this with my 5 kids (probably all GT and a couple 2E.) I feel like I'm failing them because they would get a better education here at home. This mom has no particular reason to homeschool other than she wants to see her kids more. How can I "own" what works for our family and get past not providing the ultimate learning environment for my kids?

spirited mama

I hear you. I had guilt about not homeschooling when I wasn't...and now that I am homeschooling our ds12, I have some guilt/worries about whether I'm messing him up in DIFFERENT ways. The guilt, worrying, etc., it's your job but you have to relax somewhat about it.

Also, for us, homeschooling one kid didn't naturally follow that we'd do that for both. ESPECIALLY when our dd is so outgoing and truly a handful, she doesn't love school, but after being home with her this summer (I do work, but from home)...I am glad she has the break from us/vice versa.

Ds and I work out the homeschooling by doing a bunch during the evening/early afternoon; when I'm working during the day, my ds does his own thing on the computer, outside play, etc. Not perfect, but for him, it is better than the 98% stressed out state he was in during middle school.