You appear to have several different stressors. I suggest that you step back and re-evaluate. That commute would not be good for anyone. Maybe he can suplement some on-line accelerated courses. Maybe he would just like a break to re-group and make a smooth transition due to the move. Even if a move is a positive one, it is still stressful. Focus on your and your families needs and do not even consider what the neighbors may or may not be doing. Until someone walks in your shoes, they really do not know how they fit. As for as the other gifted parents and the program; will it really matter 10 years from now what they think? No. Use this time for free discovery. A gifted child is going to continue to learn. I found that many of the items on the gifted exams were not learned in the classroom, but from life experiences, travel, and our own personal interactions with our HG DS. Everything will fall into place if your focus is only one your situation. If you focus on the external stressors you will not be grounded.