spirited mama - Chin up! We can only do what we feel is best for our kids, and what's best for GT kids sometimes changes frequently. It sounds like you and your family weighed all the options and picked the best one. I would have done the same. The GT program doesn't sound as fabulous as it could have been. The local option sounds pretty darn good. Whether watered down or not, there will not be a ton of kids taking algebra and honors LA in 7th, I'm guessing, and hopefully your kiddo will find a couple kids at his level.

We do drive a ridiculous amount each day, so I know how hard that is. I think you and your family will have a period of great relief when your DS has that extra time that used to go to commuting.

Try not to feel guilty - you're doing a great job. And as for the GT families thinking anything, most likely they'll think "wow, I can't believe they did that long commute for so long!" And if they are friends, they will understand. Hopefully your DS can still keep in touch with his friends from the old school. It's good to make that effort.