In regards to the home schooling option, as has been said, you need to assess what is best for you, your child, and how that effects the whole family obviously. As someone who runs weekly strategy gaming events and regularly works with gifted children I’d like to make a suggestion to parents who home school. Make mass efforts if you home school to involve your child in social activities on a regular basis please?

The biggest problem I’ve seen occur in regards to home schooling is when children do become involved in social activities outside the home they often show a lack of knowledge of social skills, ability to handle social problem scenarios, and knowledge of acceptable social behavior.

Now, before anyone blasts me, this pains me greatly and I do my best as a mentor to help those often highly intelligent children to gain the social skills necessary to adapt to an unfamiliar environment. It often takes years of weekly nurturing. Luckily, the strategy gaming community is accustomed to having such people involved and lack of social skills is most often forgiven and dismissed as part of the “quirks” of those sometimes involved in the gaming community.

So if you home school, do yourself and your child a favor and go out of your way to ensure there is plenty of social activity for your child outside of your home please.