I'm not going back to look, so maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, but didn't you have testing done, Dazed? Weren't the scores quite high?

A test is just a child's performance on one test on one day, but when combined with other hints like what you have observed and school behavior, it adds up to a more complete picture of where the child is operating on that Bell Curve.

I suspect that what you're experiencing, Dazed, is what we around here call "GT denial." It's the feeling that your child doesn't seem like one of "those" outrageously smart kids you see on the news or on Oprah, so there must be some mistake, ala "I knew he was a bright kid, but something must be wrong with his scores on the achievement test; they were much higher than I expected!"

But HG+ kids come in all flavors, and some are more stealthy about their abilities than others. Especially if you come from a GT family, what's "normal" to you may well be HG+!

Hang in there, and you will get past that dreaded GT denial (well, mostly, at least). I still wrestle with it some days, but I'm so much less deeply in denial than I was when this journey started for us! Scores on tests help. Reading about HG+ kids helps. Talking and reading this forum helps.
