Originally Posted by jack'smom
Getting the vision checked is a good idea too. Although it may be very hard to get an accurate assessment if your child is only 3.

A good pediatric ophthalmologist can get a very accurate assessment. My younger DD has worn glasses since she was 8 months old. If you suspect any kind of vision issue, it's really important to get it checked because a lot of vision issues at that age really have more to do with the brain than the eyes. If the eyes develop in a way that is out of sync with the brain, it has to be caught early or else vision loss can occur (and be permanent).

IMHO every child should get a vision screening by age 2 or 3 just to make sure they don't have any of these developmental vision issues. It's a simple appointment but it can save a lot of heartache later.

OK . . . stepping down off of soapbox now smile

PS. I'm so relieved to hear I'm not the only one who hates those rainbow magic books. I can't decide if it's because they are terrible or because I wish I had thought of them first. I could be making my fortune now wink