Getting the vision checked is a good idea too. Although it may be very hard to get an accurate assessment if your child is only 3.
My younger one is 7- when he was 5, we learned he has alot of astigmatism, which doesn't usually go away. We got him glasses- he wore them 6 months and then started taking them off in first grade, so we let him not wear them.
However, I noticed that he would frequently get up and stand by the teacher during class, to look at the white board she wrote on. He also rubbed his eyes alot during reading with me at night.
We just got glasses again- for now, just while reading. He reads very, very well, and he is reading alot faster and more fluently with them on. No more eye rubbing. I think he was getting eye strain.
My older boy is hearing impaired. Neither of them can really articulate things like, "gee, I didn't hear that." Or "gee, I didn't see that very well." I don't know if it is b/c they are boys or children or what, but you can't assume that they will always articulate when something isn't right.

Last edited by jack'smom; 06/17/12 05:59 AM.