Have you had your son do a Myers-Briggs personality inventory? It really sounds like he might be an **I**. I'm an I (INFP) and I am a bit like your son. I do fine socially such as at church, with the regular workers in the grocery stores, around the neighborhood as needed, etc. However, I have a VERY long recharge time and need a lot of alone time, during which I am content to putter about doing my own thing. It doesn't mean I am shy or uncaring;rather, I tend to care a bit too much and as such need time to deal with the social input before I can surge into it again.

There are lots of things you can find out about yourself and your kids with the MB...or ENNEAGRAM.

If he is an I then don't worry about the tendency towards down time. jmo

I'm wondering if he is a bit of a perfectionist, too??

Willa Gayle